Homespun,  Young Victorian

Before and After: Part 1

Here we are, the before and after home renovation photos and I can’t believe we’re finally here! The last post (well part 1 of 3 anyhow) on the Young Victorian renovation project! I’ve documented for you this renovation every step of the way as we lived it. When we first purchased Annabelle’s Place back in December of 2015, we thought we’d be there for a very long time.

Every step of the renovation was taking us closer to a finished home that felt brand new and 100% us! It was a wonderful home in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. We could never have imagined that just shy of five years, we would sell this house that we had invested so much of ourselves in; invested time, money, blood, sweat, tears and lots of love. But God is good and we can now look back and know that this house was just a small part of a much larger plan He has for us. We didn’t know that at the time, but God sure did and I’m glad we didn’t know. His ending for us with this amazing house was a much better story than we could have ever imagined!

And now, take a look at all of the before and after shots! This post contains a look at the exterior and several of the downstairs rooms: foyer, living room, dining room, and sitting room. Enjoy!

Part 2 of these final posts will include the remainder of the downstairs spaces! Keep going!


I am simply a wife, mom to four (2 humans and 2 dogs), and grandma to three sweet kiddos. I am a humble human working hard to build a stronger relationship with both my God and others; relationships that will prayerfully lead to more people coming to know the Good News of Jesus Christ. I'm learning to spin a little more faith into everything I do, every single day!