FaithSpun | Young Victorian | Home Renovation | Tiling
Homespun,  Young Victorian

Tiling On

As one by one, each of the rooms within our Young Victorian began to emerge as finished spaces, life was getting exciting! All of our hard work to make this sad, neglected house meet up to the vision we first had for her was paying off. We were certainly beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel by the end of year one of the renovation.

It was time to turn our attention to some of the final touches to both the foyer and living room. And that means it was time to lay down some tile in the (newly created symmetrical) foyer entryway and the newly constructed living room fireplace hearth.

A Little Old; A Little New

Going all the way back to the beginning of this journey, we really wanted to run with the concept of making this newer home look like a much older, yet updated home. The Victorian style of this home and all of its character lent itself to this concept. Each time we needed to make a design decision, we thought about the new house/old house concept and would determine what made the most sense for each design element.

When it came time to pick the tile for the foyer and living room, we knew we wanted them to match or at least complement one another because the two areas were in pretty close proximity to one another.

Black + White = Timeless

We had chosen a black and white color scheme to make a dramatic yet updated statement with the foyer’s grand staircase. The black and white continued into the kitchen as well through the cabinets. The tile we would ultimate select needed to “fit” the look, the concept, and the overall color scheme of our design. Most modern tile just wouldn’t work here so it took a bit of time to find something that looked a little more retro.

We already had in mind that we wanted some old school black and white hexagon mosaic tile in each of the three bathrooms, but those tiles were not the right application for the foyer and living room.

After a bit of time, we were able to find two different tiles that we felt were absolutely perfect! They were a bit rustic with a matte finish and looked like something you may see in an older house.

Pulling It All Together

With the tile purchased, we worked on a pattern that we could use in both spaces. I loved the way we were able to marry the foyer and living room design through this matching tile. These types of design decisions provide consistency throughout the home. Especially when you incorporate the same colors, textures, and in our case, eclectic style throughout.

We were also able to bring the same tile into one other small area in the house, creating some additional consistency. We’ll see the tile again in that project soon!

Thanks for visiting!

I am simply a wife, mom to four (2 humans and 2 dogs), and grandma to three sweet kiddos. I am a humble human working hard to build a stronger relationship with both my God and others; relationships that will prayerfully lead to more people coming to know the Good News of Jesus Christ. I'm learning to spin a little more faith into everything I do, every single day!